Empathic Conversations:
Communicate at the Pace of Change


Rapid change is creating more communication challenges.

The pace of business and rapid deployment of communication in today’s workplace can cause stress and uncertainty.

To be a successful leader today, you must leverage your communication strengths to quickly build trust, persuade and influence at all levels. It’s not enough to be clear and understood. You must understand what others need to hear and adapt your message so others can hear it and accept it.

You must be an empathic communicator.







The pace of change creates noise that can muffle your intention. Your goal is to raise productivity with clear messages that balance candor and empathy.


+ Are you focused on tasks and directives instead of people and motives?

+ Are stress levels rising due to frequent misunderstandings (and the accompanying frustrations)?

+ Does it seem others don’t seem to “get you” and what you’re trying to express? Do you fail to “get” others?

+ Is productivity slowed due to mistrust?


Bottom Line: If you can’t adapt how you communicate to the situation and the person, performance is at risk.



Empathic Conversations is an individual and group coaching experience for executives who need to quickly be aligned with their listeners. Empathy shifts conversations from rigidity and resistance to flexibility and acceptance.

  • In this unique executive coaching program, you’ll receive the Forté® Communication Style assessment detailing your leadership communication strengths and measures of adaptability to both situations and people.

  • Empathy can fall by the wayside when you need it most and are least open to it; when you’re under stress, misunderstood, irritated, or defensive.

  • The Forté® tool is designed to help you and others understand “who” you are in the current situation, increasing communication style self-awareness. Forté® provides data on how you’re adapting to your present work environment, stress tolerance, and how you’re “most likely” coming across to others.

You’ll receive a personalized communication action plan that’s measurable and provable with a Forté® Adapting update at 30 days. This one-of-a-kind executive communication metric will let you know if your efforts are paying off.

By leveraging this data, you’ll vastly improve the knowledge you have of your strengths as a communicator, levels of resilience and know what motivates those around you.


Forté ® provides data that you can use to build action plans in a variety of areas:

  • Detail Strategy … do you need more of the “what” or the “why”?

  • Pace Strategy … do you need results sooner rather than later?

  • Decision Strategy … do you have authority to make the decisions you need?

  • People Strategy … are you getting energy from others or re-charging your batteries alone?

  • Obstacles to Overcome … what’s hindering you from getting results?

  • Business Goals … how can you get others aligned around the goals?

  • Resiliency Trending … are you resilient in the pursuit of goals?


Empathic Conversations is for you if:

+ You need to connect more with others and hone your interpersonal skills.

+ You want to be seen as an approachable leader, who inspires the team around the organization’s vision.

+ You want to encourage exploration, fresh ideas and risk.

+ You want to find new ways of influencing others to high performance.

+ You want to engage and learn in a small group of senior leaders led by a Forte Communication Styles expert.

It’s a total investment of 5 hours over 6 weeks. You can do that! And the Forté® 30 Day Adapting Update at week 6 will demonstrate your communication ROI.

Each executive learning group session has a cap of 6 participants (a minimum of 3 participants is required for each group session). Cost: $1697.00


 Here’s how the program works:


Join up to 6 leaders (minimum 3) as you learn to practice empathic communications in changing times. After enrolling, you’ll receive a private link to take the Forté® communication assessment.

Session 1: Executive 1-1 Personal Forté® Communication Style Coaching Debrief

Discover more about your communication strengths and derailers. In a 60-minute private coaching call, we’ll review your Forté® assessment results and develop action plans in several key areas customized for you. Leaving the call, you’ll know exactly what to do over the next few weeks to more effectively communicate.

Session 2: Executive Learning Group

In a 90-minute interactive group session, learn with others how the Forté® interaction and team reports can positively shape how you communicate.

Practice your skills in a safe environment.

Discuss and share your communication successes and challenges with fellow senior leaders. As a certified Forté® Executive Coach, I’ll provide you and your colleagues with an opportunity to ask questions and engage in continued coaching in a group setting.


Over the next several weeks, practice the action items in your individual custom plan to transform how you communicate.

Session 3: Measure Progress

Take the Forté® Adapting Update to measure your progress. We’ll discuss your results in a private 30-minute coaching call. You’ll leave this session confident and prepared!


Empathic Conversations workshops are available for your organization’s leaders. Contact susan@theeicoach.com to schedule a customized session for your ogranization!

 I know what you’re going through.


“I’ve worked for 30 years inside companies and then as an executive consultant with leaders in different places in their careers. Most of these leaders have one thing in common. They are searching for ways to lead in a way that motivates others to follow. And that begins with clear, empathic communication.

That is why I pull together leaders from different organizations to learn from one another. I facilitate growth among executives so they can perform their best. I’m a certified Forte® Communication Styles coach and have experienced how it creates self-awareness and results in practical actions every leader can grow and develop.”
- Chris Hunter, Executive Coach


Chris Hunter specializes in executive coaching, leadership development and team conflict resolution. His practical approach focuses on the alignment of individual actions with business strategies to achieve outstanding results. He has worked with a variety of Fortune 500 clients to develop powerful leaders and build high-performing teams.
